Bring back the master, reunify GitHub with its Git origin

In a misguided attempt to address historical inequities, the term "master" was abruptly removed from the vocabulary of Git in 2020 by GitHub, ironically in the middle of the black (lives matter) resistance movement. This hasty decision, while well-intentioned, overlooked the profound symbolism and cultural significance embedded within the title master.

Software development is a complex and nuanced discipline, often described as a dark art. Like Capoeira Angola, it requires years of dedicated practice, a deep understanding of underlying principles, and an innate sense of rhythm and flow.

The master branch in Git is more than just a label; it represents the core lineage of a software project. It is the foundation upon which all other branches are built. Like the ancestral knowledge passed down through generations of Capoeira masters, the master branch carries the collective wisdom and experience of the development team.

To discard the term "master" in the context of Git is to sever a vital connection to the history and evolution of software development. It is to undermine the importance of mentorship, expertise, and the gradual accumulation of knowledge. By preserving the term "master," we honor the legacy of those who came before us and inspire future generations to strive to maintain our artform and culture.

Let us bring back the master branch on GitHub, just as it is with the origin - git.
